Meditation is not about forcing your mind to be quiet…rather it is about a process to rediscover the quietness that’s already there. Behind the screen of our internal dialogue is a silence that is not disturbed by thoughts of guilt from the past or concerns of the future.
Meditation is simple. It doesn’t involve learning anything new. It is just remembering what you already know and how to integrate it into your life. Meditation takes you beyond the activity of your mind to quieter levels of the thinking process until you slip beyond thought into the gap. You are constantly having thoughts. Between each thought there is a gap. This gap is silent and contains infinite possibilities. In this gap is the answer to any question you could ever have.
How to start:
Find a quiet place where you will not be interrupted
Sit comfortably and close your eyes
Repeat your mantra 2-3 times
Now say it quietly 2-3 times
Now think it silently 2-3 times
Do not try to force your mind. Just effortlessly focus on your breathing.
If you notice your attention has drifted away gently bring your mind back to your mantra.
Don’t think about the time. You will know when its time to slowly open your eyes.
Drink a glass of room temperate water.
Enjoy the rest of your day.