“DELAY IS SENSELESS – Ask HIM to reveal HIS plan to you”
12 days of mind training
Can you imagine what it means to have no cares, no worries, no anxieties, but be perfectly calm and quiet all of the time. Yet that is what time is for, to learn just that and nothing more. One source of perceived discouragement from which you may suffer is your belief that this kind of calm takes time. You have a Teacher who uses time to teach you this in His Own way. He is not bound by time. The Guide that God has given you will speak to you. He will take His rightful place in your awareness the INSTANT you abandon whatever is keeping you out of peace and offer it to Him. In conflict, there is no answer.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
The ego uses time to convince you of the inevitability of the goal of the ego. To the ego, the goal is death, which is the end. To your Teacher, the goal is life, which has no end. The ego teaches you that life is hell. The Holy Spirit teaches there is no hell….hell is only what the ego has made of the present. Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and the future…which do not exist.
The world you see is but a judgment on yourself. Have you not wondered how it would look through happy eyes?
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
Let the present extend into forever. Beautiful and free from guilt.
This lesson takes no time for what is time without a past and future. Begin to practice the Holy Spirits use of time this INSTANT. What God wills has already been done. Therefore time is not involved and every problem can be resolved now.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
Take this INSTANT and think of it as all there is of time.
Nothing can reach you here out of the past
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
The miracle is a learning device at your immediate disposal for controlling time. It establishes an out-of-pattern time interval not under the usual laws of time. In this sense it is timeless.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
Be not content with future happiness. It has no meaning. For you have cause for freedom now. Freedom from mental slavery. Who or what are you in bondage to? Who is your master? What oppressive laws are you living under?
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
TELL YOURSELF WITH AUTHORITY: I don’t have to wait for future perfection. Complete perfection is being evidenced to me this very moment. I cannot be tricked into believing otherwise. My grievances show me what is not there. What do I want my grievances for? What do I want this _______________grievance for? Grievances keep me in darkness. This INSTANT I can lay aside grievances. Let me not use this grievance as a block to my peace. The light of Truth will shine all this away. I have no need for this grievance.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
Grievances keep me in darkness. This INSTANT I can lay aside grievances. Let me not use this grievance as a block to my peace. The light of Truth will shine all this away. I have no need for this grievance. Think but an INSTANT on this: God gave the Sonship to you, to ensure your perfect creation. This was His gift. Your relationships are with the universe. And this universe being of God is far beyond the petty sums of all the separate bodies you perceive as interfering with your peace of mind.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
Can healing be counted on?
Healing can be counted on because it is inspired by His Voice (this voice will tell you that you are a part of Him), and is in accord with His Laws.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
DAY 10
Communication is not limited to the small range of channels the world recognizes. The limits the world places on communication are the chief barriers to direct experience of the Holy Spirit, Whose Presence is always there and Whose Voice is available but for the hearing. It is so vital in its power for change that a Son of God can recognize his power in ONE INSTANT and change the world in the next. That is because, by changing your mind, you have changed the most powerful device that was ever given you to change.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good
DAY 11
You must learn to change your mind about your mind. The Holy Spirit must use everything in this world for your release. He must side with every sign or token of you willingness to learn what the Truth must be. He is SWIFT to utilize whatever you offer Him.
Time and eternity are both in your mind. Time is only to gain eternity. Time is at your disposal.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good.
DAY 12
Every response you make to everything you perceive is up to you, because your mind determines your perception of it.
When anything threatens you ask yourself, “Has God changed His mind about me”.
Could you believe but for one INSTANT the power of healing that the reflection of God, shining in you can bring to the entire world, you could not wait to make the mirror of your mind clean to receive the image of holiness that heals the world.
I am governed by a law of irreversible good
Ask Him to reveal His plan to you. What would you have me do; where would you have me go; what would you have me say and to whom