
Welcome to iMiracle, an organization dedicated to demonstrating and teaching the principles of A Course in Miracles. The collaborative efforts of Beth Domingos and Linda Lester, along with their commitment to expand a consciousness of light and love, was the seed that lead to a weekly meeting place where like-minded individuals join, explore and open their mind to the possibility that “there must be a better way” … a greater purpose. Every encounter provides inspired teaching and tools designed to lead one away from a fear-centered life, to a life centered on love.

The cornerstone for iMiracle’s teaching is the ACIM blue book consisting of three parts: A text, a workbook and a Manual for Teachers. What the text explains in theory can be experienced through the practical application of the workbook lessons, leading students to the awareness of the conditions of Truth and a True state of being. It is not a religion. There are no “gurus”. The emphasis is always on the Inner Teacher. 

We are all on a spiritual journey that is lead by an Inner Guide. The journey is specific to each of us. “It is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed.” Along the way we will reawaken to the knowledge of where we are always, and what we are forever.